Complex audit of Microsoft Dynamics NAV

The open architecture of Microsoft Dynamics NAV platform allows users to make changes and improvements in the system. This fact has both positive and negative sides. On the one hand, the system is flexible with respect to the requirements of a particular organization, and on the other - there is a risk to break the internal logic and data coherent correlation. In this case improved and adapted system can often cover current business needs but without possibility of further development. This condition is characterized by the following features:

Operated Microsoft Dynamics NAV system has a high degree of customization which leads to serious limitations in the system upgrading. The existing system is a conservative solution, corresponding to the previously laid down principles of accounting without flexible adaptation to the current changes in business requirements. As a consequence, we have a situation in which the rules of doing business are forced to adapt to the accounting system, not a system adapts to the business, as it should be.

Process accounting implemented in the current system is based on the principles of strictly technical decisions realization without a thorough analysis of the problems and searching different options for its solution on the basis of the standard functionality of the platform.

Applied technical solutions are often implemented with violated Microsoft methodology that results in disruption of internal integrity of data structure. This is especially critical for commodity transactions. This results in the required continuous technical intervention in the systems.

In this situation we recommend to perform a comprehensive audit of Microsoft Dynamics NAV information system to develop a further strategy of its development.

A comprehensive audit of Microsoft Dynamics NAV information system is performed by the following steps:

  1. Processes analytical audit.
  2. The system technical audit.
  3. Documentation of the current status and risk areas.
  4. Recommendations on changes in the information system and its further development.

The step of analytical audit involves the analysis of:

  • basic settings of the system modules;
  • accounting matrix (for accounting processes);
  • the list of forms and reports;
  • integration with other systems;
  • the system improvements;
  • available requirements to the system from the users point of view;
  • data redundancy,  analytical relevance and the system configuration.

The step of technical audit includes the analysis of used mechanisms and implemented technical solutions for:

  • available system modifications;
  • integration with other systems;
  • realization of the technical support requirements.

Documentation of the current status and risk areas.
According to the results of two first steps a report shall be prepared which includes the description of the system modification and detected risks. This step includes as well recommendations on the versions control and changes management in the course of development.

Recommendations on the information system modification and its further development.
Basing on the received audit results our specialists will outline suggestions on the information system modification and key directions of its further development.

With the help of our service you can obtain additional information, discuss problems of Microsoft Dynamics Navision operation available in your company, and request a commercial proposal on the comprehensive audit.